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Vinyl or regular?

Increasingly, we notice that the stickers are gaining popularity. Many people want to get personalized stickers for their business, their music group or for a committed street campaign. Depending on how useful people make it, the materials of the stickers vary. Sticker Pusher produces two types of stickers; regular and vinyl stickers.

The regular stickers are made of paper. They are therefore more affordable. They are perfect for decorating indoors or in a dry environment. Unlike vinyl stickers, which resist moisture well and which, in turn, are much more useful and profitable outside, on the street or other. The price of vinyl stickers is of course higher than that of paper, but they are also more resistant in the long term.

Of course, one option is not really better than another, it is simply that if you want to buy stickers, you will have to make a choice as to the material used to make your personalized stickers. And, you will have to make your choice according to the use you intend to make of it.

In conclusion, learn about the options that best suit you, to make an informed choice and avoid spending on a product that will not suit you.